Gem Lake schematic block diagram
Flame structures in metasedimentary rocks bounding the Sierra Nevada batholith, Cascade lake segment
A deformed tension gash in metavolcanic rocks of the Gem Lake segment of the Sierra Crest shear zone
Some kink bands in metavolcanic rocks of the Gem Lake segment of the Sierra Crest shear zone, including a kinematic interpretation
two-phase subduction on Mesozoic west coast, giving rise to two generations of Sierran plutons
Another (possibly correct) idea that emerged from my thesis is how shear zones might allow emplacement of voluminous granitoid plutons. This offers a solution to the "room problem" of how fat bodies of granite get emplaced in an overall convergent tectonic setting (with massive compressive stress)
Monoclinic vs. triclinic transpression models (the modeling part of my master''s thesis).
What this means for lineation in metamorphic rocks in the monoclinic situation
Strain shadows in a metagabbro in the Sierra Nevada -http://www.geol.ucsb.edu/faculty/hacker/geo102C/lectures/part11.html