Paleogeographic Globes and Mollewide 1st-order Tectonic Globes | |
Dr. Ron Blakey, Professor Emeritus NAU Geology
Each of the following pages shows 2 global hemisphere views one centered on North America and the other centered on the Tethys-Indian Ocean region. A global mollewide projection with labels and 1st-order tectonic elements shows the whole Earth for the time period indicated. Use the BACK function of your web browser to return from each page back to this page.
The general plate data are from PGISMac, a plate tectonic presentation program from Malcom Ross and Chris Scotese. The paleogeographic interpretations are compiled from many sources
Older, lower-resolution maps of Europe, Asia, North Atlantic, and global spheres. Many of these maps will be replaced by new maps in the future