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В Ямало-Ненецком автономном округе  найдена глубокая воронка, образованная в результате природного явления. Воронку летом 2014 обнаружили вертолетчики. Специалисты измерили уровень радиации и негативных веществ, но никаких опасных излучений не зафиксировали. Связывать ее с каким-либо техногенным воздействием или падением космического объекта оснований нет.

Диаметр воронки по внутреннему краю  40 м, по внешнему - 60. Фрагменты произошедшего выброса наблюдаются на расстоянии 120 м. Подходить близко опасно для жизни, так как края образовавшейся насыпи постоянно обваливаются.

Какое  явление вызвало образование воронки, пока не установили. Возможно выброс грунта произошел из-за повышения давления при промерзании и изменении объема некоторой полости, в которой были запасы болотного газа.

По словам главного научного сотрудника Института криосферы ... Читать дальше »

Просмотров: 677 | Добавил: rostowskaja | Дата: 03.09.2014

Mano Lake- вулканическая кальдера с противной водой. Kальдера молодая, возникла по причине того, что Aмериканский континент подмял плиту  Фараллон и в зоне растяжения.  Жаркий климат и соли воды провоцируют образование туффитов - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mono_Lake

Моно Бассейн находится в одной из наиболее геологически активных областей на планете. Его богатая событиями история вулканической активности очевидна и в потухшeй вулканической цепи  Bodie и Anchorite Hills на северe и востокe и бездействующиx Моно Кратерax на югe. В то время как Боуди и Anchorite  Hills были в последний раз активные более чем сотни миллионов лет назад, Моно Кратеры - самая молодая горная цепь в Северной Америке - самому старому из ее 9,000 пиков только 40,000 лет. Кратер Panum, самый северный и самый молодой, извергся только 640 лет назад.

Приблизительно 760,000 лет назад катастро ... Читать дальше »

Просмотров: 1084 | Добавил: rostowskaja | Дата: 28.06.2014



The rocks in and south of Glacier National Park have been subjected to diastrophic forces at intervals from Precambrian time to the present. Most of the disturbances are reflected only in upwarps, which are so broad and gentle as to be inconspicuous but none the less significant in interpretation of the geologic history. In addition, but more locally, the rocks are intricately folded and broken by faults of several kinds and magnitudes. Igneous activity has left no recognized record since the close of the Precambrian era. The region is best known for its many overthrusts, which formed shortly after the close of the Mesozoic era. The largest, most widely known of these is the Lewis overthrust. This thrust did no ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 702 | Добавил: rostowskaja | Дата: 28.11.2013

STRATIGRAPHY (continued)http://www.nps.gov/history/history/online_books/geology/publications/pp/296/sec2-4.htm


The deposits of Cenozoic age in the part of Montana here described need more detailed study than they have yet received. As available data do not warrant use of formal formation names and require that unlike materials be mapped together in places, the map units chosen are based solely on characteristics readily recognizable in the field and will require modification when further work is done. The six units employed include old alluvium and associated deposits mapped in and west of the mountains described, remnants of deposits on the benches east of the mountains, two kinds of glacial deposits, modern alluvium, and landslide detritus. All are poorly consolidated or unconsolidated, and good exposures are rare except in stream bluffs and roadcuts. The probable range in age is from late Eocene to the present.


Просмотров: 733 | Добавил: rostowskaja | Дата: 28.11.2013

STRATIGRAPHY (continued)



Exposures of Paleozoic strata are confined almost entirely to areas in the eastern part of the mountains of the Flathead region. The rocks in these areas consist of marine deposits of Cambrian, Devonian, and Carboniferous age that are northward extensions of units described and named by C. F. Deiss (1933, 1943b, p. 1129-1136, 1943a, p. 216-231). His nomenclature for Paleozoic strata in and west of the Saypo quadrangle is applicable in a general way to those of the Flathead region. Lateral changes appear to exist, but more intensive paleontologic and stratigraphic work are required before these can be evaluated. In any case, they could not be adequately shown on small scale maps such ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 639 | Добавил: rostowskaja | Дата: 27.11.2013

Lower part of the Missoula group on the ridge between the North Fork of Belly River and Mokowanis River

[From field notes by Eugene Stebinger and H. R. Bennett, Sept. 20, 1914]


Purcell basalt.

Hornfels, deep-greenish, siliceous. A baked mud with contorted structure faintly visible, suggesting that the mud was disturbed by the passage over it of the lava that overlies it, hence the eruption of the lava took place under water10

Shale, green-gray to gray, calcareous 45

Shale, deep-maroon, somewhat calcareous ripple-marked, mud-cracked; with a few quartzite beds132

Shale, gray to dark-green-gray, calcareous; weathers buff147

Limestone, shaly, and shale, slabby gray to green-gray, thin-bedded; weathers buff; contains stromatolites158

Shale, deep-red, ripple-marked, mud-cracked59

Limestone, sh ... Читать дальше »

Просмотров: 624 | Добавил: rostowskaja | Дата: 27.11.2013

Siyeh limestone along Garden Wall from Collenia undosa zone in lower part of Missoula group down to Conophyton zone 1 in the Siyeh on Going-to-the-Sun Highway, about 7.7 miles west of Logan Pass

[Measured by Richard Rezak, 1951]

Collenia undosa Walcott, isolated heads. Laminae are pink; matrix is green argillite1
Argillite, alternating green, tan, and purple; finely laminated34
C. undosa, poorly developed heads, similar to those at top of section2
Argillite, alternating green, tan, and purple, finely laminated71
Argillite, alternating green, tan, and red, finely laminated. Contains irregular bands of calcareous, oolitic, white, pink, and green sandstone. Sandstone is commonly crossbedded and in lower 4 ft of unit contains pyrite cub ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 615 | Добавил: rostowskaja | Дата: 27.11.2013

Stromatolites have been recorded from the Grinnell argillite only in 2 localities: 1 along the Going to-the-Sun highway and 1 in Bad Rock Canyon. (Rezak, 1957, p. 136-137) This fact may aid in distinguishing its outcrops from otherwise similar exposures of the Missoula group in which stromatolites are far more abundant and easily recognized.

The Grinnell argillite is mostly in shades of red purple which, where of characteristic color, are distinctive enough to be recognized with confidence by anyone familiar with the formation. While the Missoula group also contains many red-purple beds, colors in that group approach reddish brown in hue. Typical beds in the Grinnell argillite are definitely more purplish than those typical of the Missoula, but the distinction is ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 813 | Добавил: rostowskaja | Дата: 27.11.2013 | Комментарии (0)



The rocks of the two regions range in age from Precambrian to Recent. Most were deposited in shallow seas. In addition, there are extensive deposits of continental origin of several different kinds. The thickest units belong to the Belt series of Precambrian age. Study of these has contributed to revision of concepts as to the character and stratigraphy of the rocks of the series. The principal contribution, obtained through areal geologic mapping over a broad region, is the evidence of marked lateral changes within short distances. In the regions represented in plates 1 and 2 the exposed part of the Belt series is now regarded as consisting, in ascending order, of the Ravalli group, Piegan group, and Missoula group. Each of the groups comprises subordinate units but subdivision is incomplete at present.

Sufficient new information in regard to the stromatolite content of the rocks has been obtained to produce new concepts a ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 1188 | Добавил: rostowskaja | Дата: 27.11.2013 | Комментарии (0)


Geographic nomenclature, especially with respect to the mountain ranges, is in a state of confusion in the part of Montana with which this report is concerned. Few official decisions as to these names are available. The following summary cites the various names that have been applied to the mountain units, the history and authorities for use of these, and the limits within which each name appears to have been intended to be applicable. No new names are proposed.

The different mountain ranges described in the present report (pls. 1, 2, 3) collectively constitute a segment of the eastern part of the physiographic province termed "the Northern Rocky Mountains" (Fenneman, 1930). Within the United States his definition has received acceptance in official and general usage except for such modifications in detail as those of Freeman and his coworkers (Freeman and others, 1945, p. 56; Caldwell, 1954, p. 79-87). A different definition was proposed e ... Читать дальше »
Просмотров: 688 | Добавил: rostowskaja | Дата: 27.11.2013

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